Our platform is suitable for single schools or large MATs and is designed to assist schools with two critical needs:

To enable trustees, governors and other schools leaders to monitor GDPR compliance

To assist your data protection contact(s) on the ground to manage your GDPR obligations
GDPR Dashboard for school leaders
- Monitor compliance levels across all schools and drill down into danger zones within each school
- See which areas of non-compliance remain outstanding at any one time
- Compare number of data breaches across all schools including reportable breaches
- Compare number of subject access requests across all schools and monitor deadlines
- Compare number of freedom on information requests across all schools and monitor deadlines
- Compare school performance across different geographical areas and local leaders
- Access all compliance documentation

DPO Assistant for school GDPR contact
- All data protection audits and questionnaires stored in chronological order
- Area of non-compliance highlighted to action with deadlines
- Carry out a data protection impact assessments using the website to be approved online by Judicium
- Report a data breach directly to the ICO using the platform
- Maintain a record of all data breaches including reportable breaches
- Maintain a record of all data subject access request and monitor time limits for response
- Maintain a record of all Freedom of Information requests and monitor time limits for response
- Keep a record of all your compliance policies and procedures
- Use our data mapping tool

Judicium Education's DPO service is endorsed by the NAHT Judicium are also GDPR trainers to the NAHT
About us
Judicium Education is the leading schools’ data protection adviser in England and Wales. Over 1,300 schools trust us to represent them as their data protection officer when dealing with third parties and the Information Commissioner.
We have the largest team of professionally qualified data protection consultants who do nothing but advise schools on their GDPR obligations, visit schools to audit on best practice, deliver onsite training and provide support to guide your school every step of the way.
Acting as schools’ DPO, we manage hundreds of subject access requests each month on behalf of our schools and dozens of Freedom of Information requests. We sign-off hundreds of data protection impact assessments and deal with numerous tricky issues with the Information Commissioner.
When a question arises, or a problem develops, we don’t just provide you with generalities, information sheets or refer you to some expensive lawyers – we are there for you to assist and represent your best interests.
When it comes to schools’ data protection and GDPR, there really isn’t much that we’ve not come across.
Contact us
If you would like to talk to us about our Data Protection Officer Service, or find out how little it would cost to service your school, please contact us
020 7336 8403
Judicium Consulting
72 Cannon Street